Thursday, October 7, 2021

October 2021

 October...a month that is set aside to promote breast cancer awareness.  It is a month that is personally difficult for me, as I do not like to think about my breast cancer and the unexpected journey I was forced to travel.  Breast cancer changes your life in many ways that you never thought possible.  The never ending doctor visits, blood tests, exams, the list goes on and on, and the day that you await to hear you are good for 6 more months, or the dreaded words, your cancer has returned.  Breast Cancer is no respecter of persons, it doesn't matter if you are healthy, have no family history, it doesn't matter if you exercise daily, if you eat all the right foods, there is no rhymn or reason to how breast cancer picks you. As a woman do not rely only on the mammograms, they miss cancer, expescially if you have dense breast tissue.  Make sure you do monthly breast exams, notice any changes you see visually, this is important! My cancer was a slow growing cancer and even though I had mammograms every year since I was 35, I still got cancer.  You could not feel any lumps, I had very dense breast tissue, it wasn't until I noticed physical changes that I realized something had to be wrong.  By the time I saw physical changes it was too late the cancer had already spread.  So as we go through another month of breast cancer awareness, educate yourself, stay on top of your own breast cancer health, and even if you had a recent mammogram and you see or feel something in your breast, do not hesitate to get it check out immeditely.  Here is to another year of breast cancer health.  The pic above is of my youngest daughter Lauren and myself.  We are at a Vegas Golden Knight game to recognize cancer.  The focus was on any type of cancer but my daughter and I focused on breast cancer.  We are in matching beanies and scarfs that were given out that night to attendees.  

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